Angel Message Monday Weekly Reading {7.18}: This Wednesday, a Letting Go Last Quarter Moon

"We have the last quarter moon this Wednesday in Aries! This is a time of letting go of rushing and confusion — and allowing ourselves to clearly move forward how our hearts desire to do so.

After the intense energy, the last Full SUPER Buck Moon brought last week, it’s time to clean some things up.

If you were one of the lucky ones who wasn’t super affected, perhaps you can hold space for the counterbalance of the world right now. It is needed!

May we all stay anchored in our being, in our soul’s song, and may we each remember how we define love, and live accordingly. There is no room for anything else.

SO much love.

Oh, and there is still ONE bed left in the EMBODY One Intuitive Retreat. Want it?! Check it out here!


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