{1.17}: Kick Start Your Vibration, Raise Your Frequency

Over the next several days, the moon is moving from the Waning Gibbous in Virgo (today) into the Last Quarter in Scorpio (Tuesday / Wednesday), and we’re given a unique opportunity to align with practical refinement and deep emotional transformation.

Virgo invites us to clear out what no longer serves us in the physical realm, while Scorpio calls for emotional release and truth-telling. This transition encourages a profound cleansing of both your outer and inner world.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with a long to-do list, let’s focus on one powerful, unique practice that aligns with both Virgo’s precision and Scorpio’s depth. One supportive way to raise your frequency this weekend is to create a 'Burn and Bury' ritual for releasing what you’ve been holding onto—physically and emotionally.

Here’s how to do it:

1) Write down everything you’re ready to release—from limiting beliefs to emotional baggage to outdated habits. Get specific and detailed.

2) Burn the list under the moonlight to signify the act of letting go. As the paper turns to ash, visualize those things dissolving from your life.

3) Take the ashes and bury them in the earth on Tuesday or Wednesday, honoring Scorpio’s transformative power and symbolizing rebirth. You’re not just letting go—you’re creating fertile ground for something new to emerge.

This ritual allows you to ground Virgo’s meticulous energy in a tangible way while embracing Scorpio’s emotional depth and transformational essence.

As we prepare for the new cycle ahead, remember: Clearing space—physically, mentally, and emotionally—creates room for the new opportunities you’re calling in.

Big Love,

Bonus Reminder: My Moon Cycle Memoirs for 2025 is available now! Grab your copy to follow the moon’s phases all year and align your intentions with lunar flow. Join us for the Moon Cycle Restart Masterclass on January 27th to dive deeper into working with the moon’s energy for personal growth and transformation.

Lunar Year Kickoff: Flow with the Moon


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