About Gina

My Background
Hi there! I'm Gina Nicole, a Spiritual Mentor & Feng Shui Practitioner.

I work with empaths and big-hearted people who feel other’s emotions and are likely giving away too much.

I believe when you learn how to manage this Divine connection to source energy, you can come into full alignment and live a passion-filled, purposeful life!

Over the past several years, I've helped hundreds of people move through their blocks and live on a higher frequency.
My Past
I was diagnosed with PCOS and auto-immune at 26, married at 27 and going through a divorce at 28. I faced MASSIVE problems, felt no one understood me, and my body was SCREAMING for help.

I was also uncovering sexual abuse trauma, and I knew I needed more help, but I didn't know what to do. To top it all off, I thought I was going crazy once I started to see angels!

Scared as hell, I turned to Feng Shui and healing arts, conquered some big fears, and overcame huge personal obstacles. Now I help others overcome their own fears in less than half the time it took me!
My Mission
My passion is working with others to activate their innate abilities. It lights me up to see others conquer fear and come out on top, living a passion-filled, empowered life!

I'm committed to providing clarity around intuition, purpose, and spirituality to business owners who seek enlightenment.

It's my purpose, and I'm eager to see you transform your life!
What Are You Waiting For?
If you find yourself stuck in the same place, month after month, there’s only ONE person who can change that. You don't have to be in the same place six months from now.

Put simply, you can't afford to keep ignoring what’s been nagging at you, especially if you're an empathetic individual.

Eventually, your body will start talking - will you be ready to listen?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book an appointments & make a payment?
Payments are required upon booking your appointment. Payments are non-refundable, and can be applied as a credit.
What is your Cancellation Policy?
Due to the nature of my business, I am unable to accommodate multiple cancellations. I allow a one-time cancellation for every appointment booked. This means, if you book an appointment, you can reschedule it once at no charge with 48 hours advance notice. If you need to reschedule beyond that, there is a $22 service fee.
What is your Cancellation Policy for classes?
By signing up for any of the online courses or retreats on this site, you are agreeing to pay for those courses in full.
What happens if I miss an appointment?
Being 10 or more minutes late is considered a missed appointment, and forfeits your appointment.
Do you offer refunds?
NO REFUNDS will be granted for a missed appointment or cancelled appointments within 48 hours.

Is my information kept confidential?
Your information is private, and all appointments are sacred space. They will be conducted in a confidential manner. Details of any connections will never be disclosed. Submitting your information anywhere on this site is also very root chakra friendly, your information is safe and will not be disclosed.

Learn your intuitive style
and meet your angel

Everyone has the ability to intuitively know, see, feel, or hear their own answers clearly. It's much easier to trust the guidance when you are confident in your strongest senses. Find out yours here!

Take the Ignite Quiz

What  others think


You give so much!! The muscle testing and pendulum class lit me UP. I always love that no matter what you are teaching and sharing, you seize the moment and encourage us all to put it to practice. I have been enjoying sharing all that I learned in this class with my clients and friends. I'm grateful to be a part of your positive ripple effect, as I can see and feel what I am passing along is lighting up others. Thank you for empowering us ALL.


I just thought I would send you an email and let you know I feel like I've been waiting for this information my whole life. lol (this happens with a lot of information you give us). You really help me find all the puzzle pieces so I can put them together! 
I used to be so confused with life before I started your mentorship, but every day I get a little less confused and more in tune with myself.
Thank you! I really appreciate you and all that you do!

Lisa B.

Whether it is in our one-on-one sessions or in the group containers, I am constantly learning something new just as I need it and I really find tremendous value in that.  I believe we should never stop learning, so it is nice to have a mentor who shares this belief and models it so beautifully! I continue to expand from this amazing process and wealth of knowledge to grow on a personal level and to grow my new business.

Yvonne Cote

"I came into Gina's mentorship program really unsure of what to expect. I was in the process of trying to get my spiritual practice off the ground, but I was lacking direction and confidence. All I can say is WOW!! I can't believe how much things have changed for me since I started mentoring with Gina. I am so excited at how much progress we have made and for the first time, I really feel like I have a sense of purpose and direction. I would highly recommend this to anyone!”

Maura Kobusch
Consciousness Guide

I have had the joy and blessing of mentoring with Gina for years! She is a powerhouse of laser like intuition and compassion, who unapologetically empowers her community. I embraced Gina's solution oriented interpretation of Spirit during a chaotic but pivotal segment of my journey. Magic happened. Thank you, Gina for eliciting my truth from my soul and affirming me as I gleefully discovered my unique gifts and a world of unlimited abundance.

Diane L.

What an amazing six months of growth I've had. I keep learning, growing, and finding new ways to lean into my creative soul. My life as an artist has taken on true meaning and allowed me to share my success with the world. Thank you Gina for teaching me how to believe in myself.

Melanie Haynes Kerr

I absolutely love the spiritual mentorship program with Gina. It has helped me grow in so many ways, and I look forward to our calls and getting to know other like-minded members in our container that have become my friends! It’s truly been life-changing for me, I get emotional even writing this because it has impacted me in so many positive ways and I am so thankful to be a part of such an amazing, inspiring and extremely supportive community.

Julianne B.
Intuitive Marketing for Entrepreneurs, Healers, and Creatives

This mentorship was everything!
I first joined because I was going through a big transition purpose and work-wise. I had (and still have) big goals but I couldn’t get myself motivated to start taking action – there was a misalignment between what I wanted and what I thought I needed to do to get there.
Gina is truly masterful in her work. The content in the container is efficient and effective - Her heart is 110% in what she does and it shows. She keeps the container small so that there is an intimate community feeling – It’s the best kept secret.

Victora Martin
Artist and Jeweler

When I joined Gina’s mentorship in October last year I gave my jewellery making studio a complete overhaul. My space felt absolutely wonderful & I couldn’t wait to get making everyday. My business has definitely benefited & I’m enjoying combining my spiritual connections, intuition & creative energy’s together to produce new heartfelt jewellery. I’m enjoying going with the flow, living the best life possible in this moment & manifesting a future full of wonderful possibilities.

Meredith Daniels

After being stuck in my house for Covid and virtual learning, I needed to redecorate my home. I hired Gina to do a Feng Shui consultation to make sure the energy flow was optimized. Gina gave me a detailed report and the best way to increase the chi, and I LOVE my house now! Gina really knows her stuff, is very professional, quick to respond, and a joy to work with! I highly recommend her!