Angel Message Monday {11.21}: New Moon in Sag ~ Open a New Pathway to Abundance

We should all find this week's New Moon in Sagittarius (November 23rd) should bring many pleasures .... including the possibility for more streams of abundance AND physical earthly money to come in!

The call is to get out of our comfort zones and create prosperity in a new way for ourselves (and remember, abundance does come in all forms)!

This should be a good, if not GREAT, New Moon, as new paths of materializing appear.

Having said that, we all get to choose the direction that we most want to take. That may be through business, bringing abundance in family connections, or simply creating a new stream of income. It's also a great week to do some holiday shopping, not just for gifts but also if you are called to a wardrobe redo or refresh!

Beauty and vitality are also at play this week. It's a great time to see or schedule with a dermatologist or hair stylist and maybe consider replacing old cosmetics with cleaner, more color-appropriate makeup.

Have fun and enjoy the sweetness this moon brings!

P.S. If you are an EMBODY One member, I'll see you for our New Moon call Tuesday the 22nd at 1 pm CST! XO

Manifest and flow with the moon!


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