Angel Message Monday {3:27.23}: Plan, Act, Observe, then Improve!

The need for change is in the air today! Contemplate how you can make a shift for harmony.

Pluto is officially in Aquarius, so my guess is it may be pretty easy to pinpoint what needs to change.

It's essential to focus on harmony thinking; be spontaneous, share your feelings, and follow the emotion to put you into action for change.

The energy of the week is supportive, and here is how we can apply it to our week:

Monday: Plan and prepare
Tuesday & Wednesday: TAKE ACTION
Thursday & Friday: Observe and make room for improvements

With the first quarter moon this week in Cancer, it is a good time to be with the house, home activities and be with family. Not to mention what a time to take action on what our homes are telling us to do. Our walls DO talk ... listen to them via "House Speak."

May today's Angel Message Monday be supportive for you! XO

Your Walls do Talk ...

Listen to the messages of your home.

House Speak

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