Angel Message Monday {6.27.22}: New Moon in Cancer Reading for This Week!

"The New Moon on Tuesday, June 28th, at 9:52 PM CST, falls in the zodiac sign of Cancer, the same New Moon in which our journey with our sweet girl dog began.

Years ago -- we set an intention at the New Moon, then six months later, at the Full Moon; we released what wasn't working to make space for our intention to unfold.

Here we are five years later, experiencing a super intense and scary event right before this New Moon in Cancer. A blessed reminder of the power of the moon cycles, and I am grateful for the opportunity we get to set new intentions for our family.

(I share all about our Dog’s New Moon in Cancer Journey & 5 Areas to Set Intention here).

This moon will highlight our homes, the way we nest, our relationship with the domestic side of ourselves, and our ancestral roots.

It is the perfect New Moon for setting intentions for our homes, communities, and animals. It will feel emotionally delightful to retreat to tune in to our needs so that we feel ready to act on them.

May today's message help, and if you feel called, check out my article for five areas to set intentions with for the next New Moon in Cancer!"

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