Angel Message Monday {7.25}: New Moon in Leo Is Inviting you to Be Seen

"The New Moon in Leo is 7/28 at 12:54 PM (CST), and it is a big invitation to be seen.

This can be quite a “needy” time with this New Moon nudging us into our freedom and embracing self-empowerment toward more creativity and being seen.

Here are the highlights of the New Moon this week (from today on begin thinking of what you can let go of to call more of the following in):

Call on the charisma of this moon and use it to be more social and connected

Acknowledge your emotions that are firing up

Be mindful of burnout

Set intentions for rewards and acknowledgments that you want (but don’t look outward for validation)

Ask for feedback and use it to make improvements

If you are ready to create space for some improvement making, and can see the benefit of getting away, giving yourself space in a beautiful setting, with a like-minded community, where your angel messages are clear, I have an invitation for you. Join me for a weekend of dedicated to supporting you to activate your innate abilities, listen deeply, and step into the most confident version of who you cam to be.

The EMBODY One Intuitive Retreat will be happening September 8th -11th, 2022, on the Full Moon in Pisces, for a weekend of embodiment. Check it out here!

If you want to unlock more for a higher vibing life, join me in The Frequency Key Facebook Group!"

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