{1.26}: Navigating the Radiance and Passion of the Leo Full Moon

Let's dive into the unfolding in the radiant aftermath of the recent Full Moon in Leo, inviting us to focus on three transformative elements.

This Full Moon is bringing us three areas to focus on:

1) Self-expression of TRUTH. Embrace your authentic voice, let your creativity flow, and bask in the spotlight of your unique light. The Leo energy encourages us to shine brightly and fearlessly. Speak your truth and stand behind it no matter what.

2) Nurture Heart-Centered Connections. Whether with loved ones, community, or even a personal project, infuse your endeavors with warmth, passion, and the spirit of generosity. The Leo energy prompts us to lead with love, and not just for the short term. Think about those long-term relationships, celebrate them, and set intentions with them.

3) Celebrate Personal Victories, All Sizes! We are all being urged to acknowledge our achievements, embrace our strengths, and radiate the confidence that comes from recognizing our triumphs.

May these reflections and today's card pull support you during this fiery, impassioned time, and guide you through the luminous aftermath of the Leo Full Moon, encouraging self-expression, heart-centered connections, and the celebration of your unique victories.

See you next week, and until then, may your frequencies soar, and your flow align with the cosmic dance with the universe!

Big love to you,

P.S. If the Leo energy is prompting more self-expression from that fire in your heart, a gentle reminder for the upcoming Rituals of Remembrance Retreat in May 2024. You will have an opportunity to honor your ancestors, remember why you came, and rediscover your light. Respond here or reach out for more information if you are called! You can check it out via the link below! XO

Remember Your Light

Rituals of Remembrance Retreat, May 2024

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