{3.15}: Take Soul ACTION This Weekend!
Today's invitation; Embark on a journey of inner healing and liberation with me, as we approach the First Quarter Moon in Cancer this Sunday, AND anticipate the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th!
This upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra sparks us into eclipse season, and is such a cool dynamic for healing relationship connections (seen and unseen). I am showing up and doing the work, and invite you to join me for a one-hour workshop where we'll identify old wounds, explore techniques to break free from ancestral and witch wounds, and you know I love me some energy work and oracle card support!
Now for this weekend; tune in to see actions that may help you, and here are a few journal prompts to help you process the energy:
1. Reflect on a recent experience where you felt a strong emotional response. What insights or lessons did you gain from this experience, and how can you use this awareness to support your emotional well-being?
2. Consider any patterns or beliefs passed down through your ancestral lineage that you're ready to release or transform. How can you honor your ancestors while also breaking free from any limiting patterns or beliefs?
3. Visualize yourself stepping into a future of liberation and empowerment. What step(s) can you take to break free from old wounds and embrace your full potential?
I hope this leaves you inspired into dynamic action as you remember your light and break chains! XO
Remember Your Light
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