{7.24}: Harness the Magic of the First Quarter Moon

It's a week of ACTION and I am delighted to bring you this week's edition of Angel Message Monday, featuring the enchanting Lucy Kay as our special guest! Lucy has studied with me for literally... years, and it is so fun to be working with her side by side!

She's taking action being here with me, and we are encouraging you to take action for this first quarter moon!

When the first quarter moon graces the sky, it's a powerful reminder to take charge of our dreams and aspirations. This celestial phase urges us to step boldly into action, embracing the energy of growth and progress.

Today, I invite you to join me in harnessing the cosmic energy and embrace this opportune moment to set clear intentions, make plans, and ignite your passion. Let's take inspired action toward manifesting our desires and creating the life we envision.

Remember, the universe supports those who take courageous steps toward their dreams.  Whether it's starting a new project, pursuing a personal goal, or embracing positive change, the first quarter moon empowers us to embrace our inner power and make things happen.

Let's embrace this magical lunar phase together and watch our intentions come alive under the guiding light of the first quarter moon!


Ill give you two ways I couldn't resist sharing!

1) As my family and I enter our new home this week, I am delighted to announce a round of Play-by-Play Feng Shui!  For those seeking to channel their inner Zen master while jazzing up their living spaces, this is a game-changer. Learn how to transform your home into a harmonious oasis, one energy flow at a time. Trust me, it's feng-shui-tastic, and you will be doing it right alongside me! Check out Play-by-Play here!

2) Now let's fast-forward to October. Picture yourself basking in the warm embrace of the Mexican sun, surrounded by like-minded souls, and diving deep into transformative experiences. The Soul Immersion Retreat in Mexico is happening! Get ready to rejuvenate, reconnect, and rediscover your inner magic as we embark on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery. Don't miss this chance to unwind, expand, and soak up the vibrant energies of Mexico, while allowing your soul to be immersionfied! Check out Soul Immersion Retreat here!

If you want more info on either, reach out!

Onward to today's message, featuring the ever-charming Lucy Kay!

Stay tuned, stay giggly, and keep shining bright like the supernova you are!

Out of the past and into the future!

Take your heart-centered service to the next level. Move out of the past and into the future!

Soul Immersion Retreat

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