Angel Message Monday {1.1.23}: Full Moon in Cancer ~ Release, Intend, and Gather (and Forgive)

Good Morning, %FIRSTNAME%!2022 was bookmarked with two Capricorn New Moons, and 2023 is bookmarked with two Cancer full moons. The first will be this week, Friday the 6th, at 5:07 PM CST.Here is the rundown on what to focus on this week and the start of your 2023:

  • If you find you are in the spotlight or attention is going to you, be with it vs. denying or hiding
  • If you feel called, set personal goals (but don't force this)
  • Forgiveness work (check out forgiveness in 14 if you have a difficult time processing emotions)
  • Release emotions that aren't serving; talk to a therapist or a good friend to process
  • Focus on home-related activities; cooking, gardening, decluttering
  • Reflect and review December 2022 and the intentions you set - there are insights that will surface from decisions and situations from the month prior
  • Love and appreciate your family

Overall this is a time for family, people, and community to come together. Use that and exercise it! Bring your family together, do letter writing (and if that involves forgiveness, follow that), and honor your ancestors.May today's Angel Message Monday only bring more light and support. XO

Flow with the moon!


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