Angel Message Monday {1.16}: Next Weekend's New Moon Brings a Nudge for NEW BEGINNINGS!

Next weekend on January 21st, at 2:53 PM CST, is the New Moon in Aquarius, which also marks the first New Moon of the Lunar New year, Sunday, January 22nd.

Take this last week of the lunar year to de-clutter, and make way for greater clarity, so that we may all move forward with ease.

set intentions and plant seeds for the month to come. While the magnetic potential of this New Moon will be high for drawing things to us, taking a gentle and open-ended approach will likely work best.

I will likely be spending the week doing a lot of the following (and I invite you to join me) ....

* Releasing what doesn't work
* Going inward and getting hoenst about the new beginnings that are here
* Setting intentions for this next lunar new year
* Visioning what comes this year
* Being open-minded and optimistic
* Noticing my feelings and listening to their nudges
* Working in groups for reflection and generation  

However you spend your week into the lunar new year, I send you many wishes of fresh new energy to follow! XO

Manifest and flow with the moon!


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