{10.1}: Last Quarter Moon - A Time to Say Goodbye... and Hello!

It's that letting go time of the month - the last quarter moon will be here FRI-YAY!

It's a time to release all the stuff - people, situations, and yes, even video series that have overstayed their welcome.

Cue the dramatic soap opera music!

I'm about to let go of something that's been near and dear for over *300 weeks*, which, in human years, is almost a whopping *6 years*! That's right, I'm talking about Angel Message Monday.

First off, thank you from the depths of my heart chakra for being here with me on this wild, winged journey. Your trust and presence have been nothing short of miraculous!

But here's the scoop: It's time for a cosmic change, a vibrational upgrade, a quantum shift in our Angel Message Mondays!

Here is the scoop on the stardust: Starting next week, I am bidding adieu to Angel Message Mondays and embracing the magnificence of Frequency (& Feng Shui) Fridays!

Monday's are a great day for oracle cards and divination, but Fridays are the day of Venus, love, friendships, birthing new, connections, and healing the body and mind, which this space is allll about!

With Frequency Fridays, we'll still dive deep into connecting with your angels, and all things mystical, but also about crank up your frequency dial!

Stay tuned for more details, and until then, let's embrace this last quarter moon's wisdom and let go!  Change is in the stars, my friends, and I can't wait to continue on this luminous journey with you!

With celestial love and high-frequency excitement!

Take LIGHT Action

Dynamics of the Dense and Dark

Latest Angel Message Monday

{7.26}: Let Go with the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
INSIDE: Three Reflection & Journal Prompts for Support
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{7.19}: Embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn #2
INSIDE: Three Frequency Tips
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{712}: Take Action Under the First Quarter Moon in Libra
Inside: Ways to Take Action This Weekend!
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{7.5}: Starting Anew with the New Moon in Cancer
3 Ways to Activate NEW MOON Frequency Vibes!
Read More

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