Angel Message Monday {10.31}: Take Halloween Action with the First Quarter Moon

Last week was some kind of intense! My heart is hopeful if you were one of the people the New Moon Solar Eclipse affected, you are feeling calmer and a bit more peaceful.

In my practice, I came across clients working through divorce, illnesses, pet injuries, lawsuits that went unexpectedly sideways, and situations that caused such emotional charge.

In my own life, we hit the ground running after vacation by taking in unexpected kiddos, Covid came for a visit, the kids had some upsets, we stepped up to help a friend who had to suddenly move, and we pretty much had someone sleeping in every room of our home.

While it may have seemed a bit wappso oppso, it was all an opportunity to deeply listen to what is NOT aligned. There is a pure shedding taking place; what is not for optimal living is moving away, and it is really that simple, It may show up as what appears to be a heartache or a loss; PLEASE trust whatever it was, was simply taking up energy.

I am thankful for the week of EMBODY Evolution (which you can still check out here), as we flowed with navigating it all, and I hope today's Angel Message Monday offers more support.

By now, you may have also learned E.M.B.O.D.Y. One, is open for enrollment.
Maybe you’ve been thinking…

This is just another membership I won't make time for
I don't want or need another "course" I will never open
I won't take the time "to do the work"

And those are all valid thoughts, and many other members had these thoughts before they jumped in, too.

But you know what happened once they did?

RESULTS. I want to share a few ....

💯Meet Melanie. Melanie has shifted and transformed in ways that inspire other business-minded empaths. I met Mel years ago, and I don't even recognize her energy at times. She has boomed! This is what she had to say:

           "I absolutely love the spiritual mentorship program with Gina. It has helped me grow in so many ways, and I look forward to our calls and getting to know other like-minded members in our container that have become my friends! It’s truly been life-changing for me, I get emotional even writing this because it has impacted me in so many positive ways and I am so thankful to be a part of such an amazing, inspiring, and extremely supportive community ;) <3"

💯Meet Yvonne Oh, how I love our meeting! When Yvonne reached out before joining the mentorship, she was hesitant and unsure. I felt a huge heart expansion and knew in my being she would advance. And HAS SHE EVER! Sister is doing the work, putting herself out there, and helping so many people. She shares ...

           "I came into Gina's mentorship program really unsure of what to expect. I was in the process of trying to get my spiritual practice off the ground, but I was lacking direction and confidence. All I can say is WOW!! I can't believe how much things have changed for me since I started mentoring with Gina. I am so excited at how much progress we have made and for the first time, I really feel like I have a sense of purpose and direction. I would highly recommend this to anyone!"

These people are no different from you. They showed up for themselves in E.M.B.O.D.Y. One, and embodied their highest frequency and who they were born to be.

If you want to join Melanie and Yvonne, and the others in our community… check it out here and respond if you have questions! It's a community like none other. It is seriously one of the best parts of the program, and something I hear time and again, that people have not found a like-minded community like this one.

I would be honored to support you.

Join me inside E.M.B.O.D.Y. One, and let’s get rolling!

Want to check out EMBODY Evolution last week ? You can do that here.

Join Me ...

E.M.B.O.D.Y. One

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join me and other experts from E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Mastery as we guide you through the shadow to ignite the light!

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