Angel Message Monday {11.7} Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Be Alert & Rebuild the New

November 8th, at 5:01 AM, is the Full Moon in Taurus. It is a Total Lunar Eclipse, which means you may feel it more intensely.

A few things to note to help navigate:

* Be willing to be patience
* Activate this time of harvest by holding appreciation for all the blessings
* Persistence can be resistance; don't let challenges, obstacles, and self-doubt overcome the new beginning that is here
* Contemplate what you are starting that is new, and create habits around that intention
* Stay focused on what is best and optimal for collective energy and know that your good counterbalances low vibes in the world
* Be mindful of being too stubborn

There may be some disruption, but don't let that deter you from the blessings available. If things start to feel disturbed when it comes to home life, that which provides comfort, or even globally, remember what is surfacing is only coming up for realignment.

It is time to revisit old situations for completion so the new can be integrated!

Let's get to it, and may today's message help.

If you are an E.M.B.O.DY. One member, I will see you tomorrow at 5 PM CST for our Full Moon Call! XO



Flow with the moon

Moon Cycle Memoirs

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