Angel Message Monday {12.12}: Last Quarter Moon Tips with Jill Goux

I am so happy to bring you Angel Message Monday this week with special guest Jill Goux

A few years back, I met Jill through one of my most trusted mentors, Cyndi Dale, and stayed in touch with Jill's mission since that time.

When Jill announced her Trip the Light tour, it called to my heart, and I was beyond ecstatic to host her this past weekend! We circled, ceremonied, gathered, cleared, and set the intention for more light for all.We also had a chance to bring you this week's message, and with Friday being the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo, we want to help you let go and realign.

The Last Quarter Moon is an excellent time to reflect on how to move forward, look at what is up for rebuilding, and notice what is ready to be dismantled (so it can come together again). For our family, home, and community, this past weekend to prep for this time, being in ritual with Jill's mission, and setting up clearing and dowsing for our home was Divine!If you want to learn more about that for yourself, you can check it out here.

A couple of things to note about this phase, that may spark some letting go inspo:

  • The sign of Virgo is logical, practical, and systematic
  • Virgo is an earth sign, a perfectionist at heart, and isn't afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice
  • Virgo rules the digestive system, which makes these earth signs especially attuned to the ingredients that make up a whole — in food and in everything else
  • Virgos are hyper-aware of every detail
  • Virgo is governed by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication (keep in mind Mercury will retrograde December 28 to January 18 - I typically feel the effects 2 weeks prior)
  • Be mindful of obsessive or critical thinking - giving excessive attention to details and things that don't matter
  • This is a week to let go of the inner perfectionist and critic
  • You can expend energy by organizing and going with the perfectly imperfect flow

May Angel Message Monday support you, and if you want to learn more about the Soul-utions Card Deck click here!

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