Angel Message Monday {2.20.23}: Pisces New Moon Grounding in Love and Safety

The energy of the New Moon in Pisces is still swirling around us. We must remember one grand message: You can't choose the wrong option right now, only which timeline you want to exist on.

And ... two vital concepts to put into practice:

1) GROUND into the energy of what is
2) ACCEPT what is, and please don't fight or try to change it

Pisces has beautiful symbolism for us all; two fish swimming along on their own journies in opposite directions. But ... they move in a circle and will both end up in the same place regardless of the pathway. TRUST.

Feel this flow?


It may be hard but all possible. Remember that energy is like a puppy; chase it, and it runs, surrender and all of the love and cozy comes to you.

Manifest and flow with the moon!


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