Angel Message Monday {3.6.23}: Full Moon in Virgo Tomorrow Urges Love in the HOME

My inner Feng Shui nerd loves the full moon that will soon be here; a time to pay attention to the home, give it love, and a bonus, it is the last Full Moon of the winter! Yay for warmer weather for the part of the world, I am in!

This is a great time to find a balance, check in with your daily routine (shout out to E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Members for this effort), and assess your routines and movement for physical health.

If things go array or there is a sudden situation that calls for attention, it is an opportunity to look at what we need emotionally.

Here is what to focus on for this moon - and may today's Angel Message Monday help!

💥 Make a change for the better and work toward an accomplishment for personal growth
🏡 Do some Feng Shui and tune in to the needs of the home (check out Play by Play Feng Shui, or activate the 21-Day Progress Plan if you have the course)
🌳 Make the decision, choose the pathway, have confidence in it, and follow the plan you have set
💞 Focus on harmonious thinking, communication, and being
💭 Dream big and go after it!!!

Be playful as we begin the journey into a new season, and may today's Angel Message Monday help!

Love on the Home

Play By Play Feng Shui


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