ANGEL MESSAGE MONDAY {4.25}: What did you let go of for the last quarter moon?!

"What are you letting go of to make more room for? Let’s not be afraid to let go together, and may today’s message help!

I did it myself recently. I let go of my old agenda, and embraced the NEW that is here!

In case you missed the big announcement…the doors are officially (and briefly!) open to E.M.B.O.D.Y. One, the mentorship community that holds you accountable for embodying the truth of who you were born to be.

It is a safe container like no other, where you are guided to align with the cycles of the moon, take big leaps, ignite your intuition, and remove anything standing in the way of your true home frequency.

We’re about to have some fun together, you, I, and the rest of the E.M.B.O.D.Y. One community, beginning May 1 if you say yes. Enrollment only opens twice a year, and the doors are open now.

You can CHECK IT OUT here.

It's a community like none other, AND every month you receive ...

* A welcome channeled message
* An energy clearing and journal prompts
* New guided meditations
* A calendar that helps you to flow with the moon
* Step-by-step guidance on how to E.M.B.O.D.Y. who you were born to be, to help support your body, home, mind, and Spirit connection
* Two monthly calls; a new moon call to set intentions, and a full new moon call where we assess and release blocks (discussions happen and questions are answered)
* Updates from Resident Astrologer, Mimi from Gaia Blooming
* A group clearing and opportunity to address physical discord with Energy Healer and Intuitive, Maureen McRae of
* Guest experts help you shift your perspective, learn something new, and inspire you into a different realm of motivation
* Weekly check-in sessions and emails from me
* Collective morning rituals
* Exclusive member discounts

And so much more, because I love to pile on the goodness!

Not to mention, and this is probably the biggest bonus of all, you will have the connection of a supportive community of like-minded people with an online forum in the membership area. I have yet to find a community of support like this (and I am not just saying that).

You will also receive foundational work that you can begin right away, including ….

* The Feng Shui Bagua Map
* Crystal Grids
* De-Clutter Checklist
* Divine Feminine Activation Affirmation
* Dream Work with Noeli Lytton
* Food Frequency Pyramid
* Work for Intuition
* Support to Know your Values
* Ming Men Meditation to clear ancestral imprints
* Getting in Tune with the Moon Cycles
* Three-Step Clearing Process by Raymon Grace
* How to Make a Sigil Lesson
* The Five Elements Lesson
* Using Triple Grid Clearings
* The Universal Laws
* The three secret reinforcements of Feng Shui to supercharge all intentions

And if you know me and my work ... you know I LOVE surprises! There is so much more!

If you are interested in learning more, you can visit the link by clicking here, OR you can email Space is limited in E.M.B.O.D.Y. One on One and E.M.B.O.D.Y. Mastery.

Whatever you choose to do, do something.

Even if that is not with me!

There is only ONE person who can change the vibe and shift life's experiences (I hope you know who)! You can’t afford to keep ignoring what has been nagging at you, especially if you are highly sensitive. Your body will start talking.

I send you HUGE waves of love!

Now … onward to Angel Message Monday!"

Latest Angel Message Monday

The latest featured on the Redfin blog!
Check out the recent article we were quoted in: 11 Tips
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{2.7}: 🔥 Step Into Your Power: Preparing for the Full Moon in Leo 🔥
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{1.31}: Aligning with the Lunar Flow After the Lunar New Year
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{1.24}: Elevate Your Energy for a Solid Start to the Lunar New Year
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Activate E.M.B.O.D.Y Evolution

join me and other experts from E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Mastery as we guide you through the shadow to ignite the light!

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