ANGEL MESSAGE MONDAY {5.2}: The energy this week is building.

"After a pretty intense New ""Dark"" Moon Solar Eclipse, the energy is beginning to settle, and rebuild.

You may have seen some doors swing wide open after this weekend, or had the opportunity present itself in another way. It was also likely that where things weren't aligned and working, things shifted to help you shift direction.


This is a good week to simply be, start thinking about the changes to make (first quarter moon this weekend is a good time), and focus on presence. Here is an article I shared on one of the most present people in my life.

Now … onward to Angel Message Monday!"

Latest Angel Message Monday

{7.26}: Let Go with the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
INSIDE: Three Reflection & Journal Prompts for Support
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{7.19}: Embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn #2
INSIDE: Three Frequency Tips
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{712}: Take Action Under the First Quarter Moon in Libra
Inside: Ways to Take Action This Weekend!
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{7.5}: Starting Anew with the New Moon in Cancer
3 Ways to Activate NEW MOON Frequency Vibes!
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