ANGEL MESSAGE MONDAY {5.30}: 5 Ways to Empower Your Intention for the Gemini New Moon

"The vortex of beginnings and endings is swirling around us as Mercury is retrograding, eclipse season is blasting our earth, and synchronicities are showing up at every right turn.

Life is about to shift right before us; we may experience childlike awe similar to the first time we ever experienced enchantment from a magician, or it may feel like an intense sting zapping through our body.

For those of us noticing the extreme highs and lows, the New Moon in Gemini on May 30th may bring space before the eclipse season wraps up in mid-June. After so much change, and maybe even discord, this New Moon will infuse a fresh breath of air amidst smokey mirrors.

We may find a lightness, a break in the shift eclipse season has brought, and a chance to activate and empower our intention. May Angel Message Monday help, and find five pathways to empower this moon here."

Latest Angel Message Monday

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