Angel Message Monday {7.11.22}: This Week's Full Moon, Supermoon is an Invitation to go Inward
"This week on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 1:37 PM CST, we have a full moon called the “Buck Moon.” According to the Old Farmers Almanac, this moon gets it’s name as the antlers of the male deer (bucks) are at optimal growth at this time.
We can all be inspired by the symbolism of bucks shedding and then regrowing the part of them which is purposed for sexual attraction, mating, and as weapons in fights between males for control.
This symbolically nudges us all to consider what we want to attract and remember that we only grow stronger year by year. That we can control our situation by choices.
This is also the Full Moon in Capricorn which will highlight our home lives, career, family, nurturing environments, and structures.
Alas, this next full moon is also a Supermoon, so it is potent and brings big energy. Don’t fight it.
Here is what you can do:
Listen for the change that is calling. This is a time to nest, and listen to our hearts with more attentive care than ever before.
Slow down to speed up.
Give gratitude for what truly matters so more of that can roll in.
Be mindful of resentment.
Let go of approval seeking.
Rid of doubt - it’s harmful at this time.
Revisit and trust your inner values.
May something in today’s Angel Message Monday can support you in the time of this moon.
AND … if somewhere in your reflections, you decide you are craving time away, check out the E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Intuitive Retreat coming in September. There is ONE bed left! "