Angel Message Monday: Aries Full Moon {October 2021}

There is an energetically massive Full Moon on October 20 at 9:56 am CST. This moon phase follows a pretty dramatic energetic time after the New Moon that was upon us earlier in the month. We may have been experiencing chaos, feeling challenged, and even a bit run down.We have an opportunity to shift things and turn situations around for ourselves with the gift this Full Moon brings.It is known as the “Hunters Moon” (keep your eye on the bullseye), and is in the astrological sign of Aries (aggression, creativity, beginnings, impulsive decisions, passion, energy levels, emotions, nurturing, and intuition may all be affected).There is no coincidence that this moon is associated with the huntress archetype. There’s a collective depiction of the arrow in connection to both hunting and the sign of Aries. May this symbolism be a reminder we each have a targeted mission on earth, so let’s aim high and hit the bullseye!We can harness the energy of this Full Moon by keeping our arrows passionately pointed to five areas. Read about all of them via the link below!If you would benefit from accountability with the actions steps here, consider joining my husband and me in the Embodied Empath Experience.Our gift to you is a week of support as you fully align with your life’s mission during this moon, and are held accountable for action steps. My husband and I do this for a week every six months, and the changes and wins we get to see are always heart booming! Check it out; we’d love to have you join, and we officially start today!To sum it up, this Full Moon is providing a phenomenal opportunity to stay on target, move rapidly (don’t move too fast, though), and embody who you were born to be. May you meet the energy with passion, courage, and purpose. I would love to know how this resonates for you in the comments! XO

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