Angel Message Monday: Full Moon in Cancer helps us to forgive and let go!

This Full Moon in Cancer provides a beautiful opportunity to FORGIVE AND MOVE FORWARD. If you are ready to create space in your nervous system for new in 2022, please do join me starting TODAY! You can download the steps and check out all of the details here!To create more space, think about what it is that you can let go of; the emotions, feelings, and thoughts in your nervous system that you are ready to release! Then press play and choose 1, 2, or 3! I hope to see you today at 12 PM CST, LIVE For Forgiveness in 14! Click the link below and receive the steps, then join me and the E.M.B.O.D.Y. One mentorship container for 14 days of creating space for new to come in.The benefits are plenty …Healthier relationshipsImproved mental healthLess anxiety, stress, and hostilityLower blood pressureFewer symptoms of depressionA stronger immune systemImproved heart healthImproved self-esteemCREATE SPACE FOR THE NEW IN 2022!!!

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