Angel Message Monday: Happy Lunar New Year!
It’s almost the Lunar New Year!! Happy Lunar New Year’s Eve!Have you been feeling the need to declutter, remove, let go, and start new!? I sure have! We did it in Forgiveness in 14 - whoa what a journey and it’s not too late to get those recordings - just reach out ask me, and/or sign up in the link above.With all the space we made, today we will activate new intentions in Moon Cycle Restart! I invite you to lean into the bottom line of your truth. Step up and set intentions around what is important to you. The invitation is to stick with what is known, be efficient and reliable. Now is a time to be content and accepting of yourself and where you are. Trust your inner values and stay the course allowing them to direct! If new values emerge with this new moon and new year —- GREET THEM! HAPPY NEW 2022! XO P.S. If flowing with the energy of the moon is something you love to do, check out Moon Cycle Memoirs, of 2022; a journal of intention setting and releasing with the moon. Accountability with prompted intention, right in your hands! XO
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