Angel Message Monday: Have you reflected on your values lately?

Below are screenshots of my last value assessments from my favorite free value quiz online by Dr. John DiMartini. You can find that here.  You can see below how values change, which is why this value quiz is stellar to me- it prompts you every quarter to do them.Mine have shifted a tad here and there, which I keenly listen to. While service has remained a top value, my health shifted to number two recently and was more specific to nervous system support.In order to show up in full service, I have to nurture my nervous system. Ways I do that; mediation, breathwork, celery juice every am, clean eating, a few wearables, my IHeRQles spray, my morning routine - you get the picture.I need to put that first, even above marriage for a bit (not that nurturing marriage isn’t important to me - that still needs to come above most). Here’s a screen shot of my values (I’d love to see yours too) …"While the beginning of this week is a time to really lean in and trust ourselves, if we don't know who we are or what to trust (our values help us to learn that), we end up wasting time, resources, and precious energy. Join me this week in re-assessing values. They are our bottom lines and direct us on what to focus on. When you gain your top three, let me know and take action with them in mind on the first quarter moon on Thursday!Happy valuing assessing! XO

Latest Angel Message Monday

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