Angel Message Monday on this Scorpio New Moon: Stay Devotional vs. Emotional. {November 2021}

On November 4 at 4:14 CST p.m., the new moon of November arrives. It graces us with a more serious, energetic tone that will nudge us to get clear, focus, make our decisions confidently, and stick to them.This new moon falls in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, which may highlight intense emotions, and there may be a nudge to deep dive into our feelings. While this beautiful moon invites us to lean into the mysteries in life and enjoy meaningful exchanges, it also cautions us to be aware of hindrances like being impatient, stubborn, manipulative, and secretive. May today's Angel Message Monday help, and for more visit the following for five questions to ask ourselves during the November new moon that will help maximize the energy to be devotional versus emotional.  Want to take it deeper? Check out Embody One here or via the link below. WE START TODAY!

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