Celebrate your wins, release what doesn't work, and move ahead with intention!

What showed up for you last week?

I hope you found insight into what is up for healing, how you are being nudged to show up EXACTLY as you want, and what truth you want to own!

Shadows were likely to appear; that information is here to help us grow!

This is a week to celebrate the wins and let go of everything the shadow told you is unnecessary. May this week's message be helpful!

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Gina Nicole Intuitive Copywriting

Latest Angel Message Monday

{7.26}: Let Go with the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
INSIDE: Three Reflection & Journal Prompts for Support
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{7.19}: Embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn #2
INSIDE: Three Frequency Tips
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{712}: Take Action Under the First Quarter Moon in Libra
Inside: Ways to Take Action This Weekend!
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{7.5}: Starting Anew with the New Moon in Cancer
3 Ways to Activate NEW MOON Frequency Vibes!
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Activate E.M.B.O.D.Y Evolution

join me and other experts from E.M.B.O.D.Y. One Mastery as we guide you through the shadow to ignite the light!

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