You choose, you read, you interpret ...

Happy Angel Message Monday! I am swapping things up a tad and inviting you to physically choose a card. Choose one below, click the arrow on the image, and tune into what of the message resonates with you. As always I would LOVE to hear … post in the comments below! SCROLL AND CHOOSE ONE THAT CALLS!

Latest Angel Message Monday

{7.26}: Let Go with the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus
INSIDE: Three Reflection & Journal Prompts for Support
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{7.19}: Embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn #2
INSIDE: Three Frequency Tips
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{712}: Take Action Under the First Quarter Moon in Libra
Inside: Ways to Take Action This Weekend!
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{7.5}: Starting Anew with the New Moon in Cancer
3 Ways to Activate NEW MOON Frequency Vibes!
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